General Bike preparation when riding with Pro6.

  • Tires and brakes must be in good condition and have enough “meat” to get through the day. There will be on site Dunlop tire service at each trackday, allowing for the opportunity to install replacement tires to pass safety inspection.
  • All glass, headlights, taillights, turn signals, and plastic lenses must be taped over or removed. The head and tail lights must not visibly shine through the tape. It is recommended that head and tail light fuses be removed.
  • Side mirrors must be removed. Taping over of mirrors is not permitted. Mirrors with integrated turn signals are the only exception, and must be taped over.
  • We recommend, but do not require, removal of centre stands. It is highly recommended that side stands be removed from bikes older than model year 2000. Bikes with side stands should have strong springs to ensure that the kickstand cannot drop down accidentally.
  • All machines must have an operational handlebar mounted kill switch/button and self-closing throttle in good working condition.
  • All motorcycles MUST use water instead of antifreeze or glycol based coolant. Water Wetter or MoCool & Distilled water is recommended. This is non-negotiable and includes the liquid contained in the reservoir. Engine ice is not permitted.
  • Sprockets must be in good condition and chain wear must not be notable.
  • It is recommended that oil drain plugs and brake calliper mounting bolts are drilled and lock wired
  • Every rider is expected to thoroughly go over their machine to ensure it is mechanically sound and safe to ride on track prior to attending the event. If the rider is not mechanically included, they should have a licensed repair shop inspect the machine and make an recommened repairs.

Bike Numbers - Mandatory for all riders

  • Your assigned bike number must be displayed on the front and rear, or front and both sides of your motorcycle. Numbers must be a minimum of 5" in height nd be clearly displayed on the FRONT and BOTH SIDES (upper side fairing or side of lower fairing) of your bike. Older style/Large tail sections that can accomodate a 5" number on both sides are also acceptable. Any modern tail sections that cannot acoomodate two sets of numbers must have the numbers clearly displayed on eitherr side of the machine.
  • Bike numbers must be clearly visable and readable from 100 ft away. Fonts and colours must be clear and concise and highly contrasting. White or black solid "plate" style background is highly recommended.
  • Bike numbers can be any colour, as long as they contrast with the chosen background.
  • Numbers on a windscreen must have a solid background. See example #2 below.
  • Side placement of numbers must not be obstructed by your body. 

GoPro's and other Video equipment, Lap timers/cellphones

  • All on track video equipment (Go-Pro, Hero or other camera’s, Cell phones etc) must be approved at safety inspection. Have your camera secured to the bike how you intend to ride with it on track for safety inspection.
  • No cameras mounted to your helmets or your body are permitted. 
  • Cameras, phones or lap times must be secured by a tether system. Items lost on track will not be searched for or returned. 
  • No foam stick mounts or solid rod type mounts that could potentially impale during a crash.
  • If using a cell phone for a lap timer, it cannot be mounted anywhere where it is a visual distraction while on track i.e. your triple clamp or dash. Pro 6 highly recommends a purpose built on track lap timer. 

Here is a link to a How-To video put together by one of our long time staff members Sean on how to get your bike prepped for a trackday. 

Getting your street bike ready for a Trackday