Online purchases will be shipped via Canada Post or FedEx, at the discretion of Pro 6 Cycle Inc.Shipping on tire orders can vary. This applies to orders shipping within Canada only, and may be subject to other shipping conditions depending on the item.
You can expect to see your order in 3-5 business days. However, some items may not be available in our local warehouse and may have to be ordered from a supplier increasing the delivery time frame
Dunlop race tires will not be shipped to areas in which we have Race tire sub-distributors, specifically Alberta, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, P.E.I., British Columbia, and Quebec. Please see our sub-distributors contact information under the “Dunlop Tires” section to contact them directly to order. Race tires will also not be shipped to the USA.
Dunlop racing tires, including rain tires and DOT race tires, will also not be shipped during below freezing temperatures to avoid freeze damage during transit.