• The consumption of alcohol and/or marijuana during the hours of trackday operation (7:00am-5pm) is strictly prohibited. This rule applies to both riding participants & their crew, family and friends. Anyone found to be consuming either substance will be asked to leave the grounds.
  • The use of drugs will not be tolerated. Anyone found using drugs during our trackday will be reported to the Police.
  • Aggressive behaviour, physical or verbal confrontation will not be tolerated and anyone exhibiting such behaviour will be immediately removed from the event.
  • Any rider who either must switch bikes for mechanical reasons, or is just “trying a friend’s bike for the session” MUST inform Pro 6 Cycle staff PRIOR to attempting to enter the track. Any rider who fails to do so and causes un-do stress to the marshals and Pro 6 Cycle staff will forfeit the remainder of their event. It is imperative for the safety of yourself and others that we know who is on which bike on track at all times.
  • Any participant who switches or rides in a group he/she is not registered without first receiving approval from Pro 6 Cycle staff will forfeit their day, will be asked to leave for the day or depending circumstance, receive a ban on future events, and will be given NO refund.
  • Only the rider registered for the event may participate in said event. Loaning your bike to a rider who is not registered for the event to go on track with result in a life time ban from Pro 6 Cycle Trackdays. 
  • All rider's are expected to uphold and abide by all rules set forth within the Trackday Guide, at the morning's rider's meeting, agreed upon within emails, or idividually addressed to a rider by a staff member, including and not limited to, flags, pit in/pit out proceedure, paddock speed limits, emergency proceedures, etc. All participants are to ride and behave in a courteous and safe manner with regard for their fellow participants at all times. Pro 6 Cycle reserves the right to sit riders out for one or multiple sessions or remove riders from the event based on their conduct if it is deemed as unsafe to themselves or other participants during the event. 
  • It is the rider's responsibility to ensure that their family, friends and crew members are made aware of and abide by the facilites rules as well as our rules. Please ensure that you are all aware of the rules for the track. 

Calabogie Motorsports Park - Facility Rules

Canadian Tire Motorsport Park - Facility FAQ