• All entrants must attend the riders meeting, no exceptions. Riders who DO NOT attend the riders meeting will not be permitted to participate in the event.
  • All riders who are required to participate in the New Rider Orientation must attend a) secondary riders meeting b) their on-track coaching sessions. Riders who fail to complete either of these guidelines will forfeit their trackday.
  • All participants must check in with our registration personnel to receive the appropriate wristband and registration/safety inspection sticker. All appropriate waivers for both Pro 6 Cycle Inc. and the facility you are attending must be signed online in advance.
  • You may be asked to show personal Identification at Registration. Please bring photo I.D with you.
  • We ask that you inform our registration staff or on site medical staff of any and all medical conditions that you have.
  • The supplied wristband must be worn at all times during the event to be allowed on track and hot pit lane. You may be asked to show the wristband at any time throughout the event.
  • The registration/safety inspection sticker must be adhered to the front fender or the middle of the front upper fairing only, prior to  safety inspection.
  • All motorcycles MUST pass safety inspection prior to admission on the track. If your bike does not pass safety inspection, you will NOT receive a refund. It is your responsibility to ensure your motorcycle is suitable for a day of track riding before arriving for the event
  • Calabogie - All motorcycles must pass sound inspection based on guidelines as put forth by the track. If your bike does not pass sound inspection, you will NOT receive a refund. Please check the website of the facility at which the event you are attending is being held for information regarding sound inspection.
  • In the event of a crash, you must pass safety inspection on the motorcycle before being allowed re-entry to the track.
  • All motorcycles MUST display the number chosen by the rider in their rider profile on the front and both sides of the motorcycle. The number must be easily seen and distinguishable from a distance (6” numbers are recommended). If your numbers are not identifiable and/or do not match that which you have selected within your profile you will not be permitted to enter the track.
  • Sound test will occur at the same station, by the Turn21 store and fuels pumps. 
  • Calabogie sound testing proceedure and limits can be found here: https://calabogiemotorsports.com/rules
  • Sound testing is available between 7am and 9:30am ONLY