Schedule subject to change.

Full day Trackdays

7:15 a.m. Registration opens - All pre-entered registrants must check in with our registration personnel to receive their wristbands and sign the waivers. At this time, safety inspection will also be open. Riders must report to safety inspection with their motorcycle after they have signed in.
8:30 a.m. MANDATORY riders meeting will commence on the pit road. This meeting is intended to inform all participants of last minute changes to the day’s events as well as instruction on how it will affect them. The riders meeting will also include an overview of the flagging system used for the day’s activities. The flagging system is crucial to your safety as well as the safety of all others on the racetrack. It is for this reason that attendance at this meeting is MANDATORY. Any and all registrants who are not present at this meeting will NOT be allowed on the racetrack. Attendance may be taken.
9:00 a.m. Track opens for riding. Sessions will be approximately 15 minutes in length. Riders in the RED group will be the first on the track. Grouping of riders will be done during registration as well as at tech inspection. The GREEN group’s first session of the day will be led by a Pro 6 Cycle instructor. Pro 6 Cycle reserves the right to change any rider’s allotted or chosen Group at any time, and place him/her in a more suitable one. Groups will be defined as follows:
RED This group will include only very experienced trackday riders and racers. Pro 6 Cycle staff MUST approve street riders wishing to join this group. Passing is allowed throughout the track in this group.
YELLOW This group will include riders that have had racetrack experience, are graduates of the GREEN group, and/or are comfortable at an increased speed (as compared to the GREEN group) Passing in this group is limited to straightaways, and exiting corners. There is no passing at apex. Riders must be approved by Pro 6 before moving from the green group into the yellow group.
GREEN This group will include riders that have never had racetrack experience and/or would feel more comfortable on the racetrack with a group that are expected to be riding at a slower pace. Passing in this group is limited to straightaways only. All first time rider's to a circuit must start in the green group and complete the new to track orientation at their first event.
12:00 p.m. The racetrack will be closed to all riders for lunch.
1:00 p.m. Racetrack re-opens for the afternoon session. The first group out in the afternoon session will be the group that follows the final group from the morning sessions. Pro 6 Cycle staff will attempt to combine groups or lengthen the sessions to suit the circumstances of any particular trackday. These changes to the schedule are purely at the discretion of the Pro 6 Cycle staff attending that particular trackday and any changes made may not apply to future trackdays.
5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. The racetrack will be closed to all riders. 

We will make every effort to follow this schedule as closely as possible barring any unforeseen problems due to complications during the day’s events. We will NOT however make any exceptions to the rules listed above or mentioned during the riders meeting. These rules are put in place by Pro 6 Cycle staff to ensure your safety and that of your fellow rider.

To change your Rider level, please contact us at